Utilpasset IPA
IPA, Fonetik, Fonelogi, LydskriftResumé
This article discusses the implementation of the international phonetic alphabet IPA in Danish phonetic tradition. In Danish tradition, it is common to present IPA as extremely complex, a system that relies heavily on diacritics and very subtle phonetic nuances. For these reasons, it is customary to apply certain modifications to the IPA, such as redefining the phonetic value of some symbols and adding non-standard symbols.
The article compares the use of IPA in Danish tradition with official IPA principles and the implementation of IPA in other languages. It is argued that traditional Danish standards have not been adjusted to reflect significant changes in IPA principles introduced during the latter half of the 20th century. As a consequence, the way IPA is commonly represented in modern Danish textbooks is quite different from how IPA defines itself.
Based on the official principles of IPA and the use of IPA in other languages, the article presents a new standard for implementing IPA for Danish. It is demonstrated that by adhering to modern principles of IPA, it is possible to create a standard for phonetic notation that is more practical and intuitive than the traditional Danish modifications of IPA, without compromising on phonetic precision and international compatibility.
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