Atrocities in the 'Heart of Darkness'
Sexual Violence as a Weapon of Colonial Control in the Congo Free State, 1885-1908
colonialism, racial encounters, war crimes, imperialism, racismResumé
This article will provide an in-depth analysis on the colonial usage of sexual violence as a weapon of superiority during the Congo Free State during 1885-1908. The evaluation aims to uncover how white settlers systematically and intentionally utilised sexual violence as tool of colonial warfare. Literature shows that rape was a common occurrence which caused psychological, economic and physical hardship towards the Congolese. Crimes relating to sexual violence transpired through atrocities like rape, abduction, blackmail, forced incest and kidnapping. It will be illustrated that sexual violence was fuelled by motives like economics, sexual lust, psychological dominance and military tactics. Sexualised atrocities proved effective as they inflicted unprecedented injuries while also manifesting social hierarchies. Sexual violence served as reliable weapon of colonial warfare which remained unbound by controversy and objections. Rape and sexual violence were effective tools in causing psychological and physical injuries while simultaneously displaying its perpetrator as the superior force.

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