RTO firm effects - A review of academic literature on firm effects of interactions with Research and Technology Organizations


  • Kristof Van Criekingen
  • Ebbe Krogh Graversen The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4009-2678
  • Mads Kruse
  • Christinna Weyergang Ladegaard
  • Peter Busch Nicolaisen
  • Amalie Due Svendsen The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University
  • Stine Kibsgaard Weis




Research and technology organisations, Policy evaluation, Financial impact


The present literature review brings together the latest research-based evidence and knowledge in the international research literature in the field on how RTOs' technological service advice and infrastructure affect firms’ financial performance, how they contribute to firms’ innovation processes and innovation capacity, and their significance to firms’ subsequent collaboration with knowledge institutions and others. The focus is primarily on GTS-like RTOs to increase the applicability of the review in a Danish context, including giving the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science (UFS) a knowledge base on RTOs’ significance for Danish firms.


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How to Cite

Van Criekingen, K., Krogh Graversen, E., Kruse, M., Ladegaard, C. W., Nicolaisen , P. B., Svendsen , A. D., & Weis , S. K. (2021). RTO firm effects - A review of academic literature on firm effects of interactions with Research and Technology Organizations . CFA Scientific Reports, 12(1), 51–160. https://doi.org/10.7146/cfasr.v12i1.152978