Interacting with an Inferred World: The Challenge of Machine Learning for Humane Computer Interaction


  • Alan F. Blackwell University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory



Machine learning, critical theory


Classic theories of user interaction have been framed in relation to symbolic models of planning and problem solving, responding in part to the cognitive theories associated with AI research. However, the behavior of modern machine-learning systems is determined by statistical models of the world rather than explicit symbolic descriptions. Users increasingly interact with the world and with others in ways that are mediated by such models. This paper explores the way in which this new generation of technology raises fresh challenges for the critical evaluation of interactive systems. It closes with some proposed measures for the design of inference-based systems that are more open to humane design and use. 


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Blackwell, A. F. (2015). Interacting with an Inferred World: The Challenge of Machine Learning for Humane Computer Interaction. Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing, 1(1), 12.



Interpreting Infrastructure