Svend Borberg: The avoided playwright of interwar Denmark
Svend Borberg, modernism, drama, interwar period, theatre historyAbstract
Svend Borberg (1888-1947) was a key cultural figure in interwar Denmark, regarded as rare innovator of the Danish theatre by his contemporaries. His plays were published and performed in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. After accusations of collaboration with the Wehrmacht during World War 2, his works have been avoided on stage and selectively and sparsely treated in the existing research. This article examines Borberg’s dramatic works including the contemporary reception of his plays. We stress Borberg’s distinct use of stage directions in an oeuvre, which is unusually heterogeneous, in our analysis of what constitutes his voice as a playwright. We also identify thematic currents in the themes of the mask, identity, spirituality, and free sexual morality.
© Redaktionen, forfatterne og Syddansk Universitetsforlag
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