Slightly abridged, condensed, simplified, or retold

Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a children’s book in Sweden 1853–2003


  • Alexandra Borg Uppsala universitet


Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, adaption, reception, children’s literature, book history, publishing studies


This article is an investigation into the book history of Uncle Tom's Cabin in Sweden. Based on an examination of 110 Swedish editions of Uncle Tom's Cabin, it examines the long canonization process and publishing history of this work in Sweden. The article offers close readings and comparisons of 13 selected editions for children that were published between 1853 and 2003, with a focus on textual content, typographical presentation, and critical reception. The analysis reveals publishing patterns, how the novel has been adapted for young readers and what the various adaptations say about the publishers’ ambitions. In this way, the study maps the interacting mechanisms behind the creation, establishment, and survival of a classic work of literature on the Swedish book market. The article argues that the adaptations are market strategies to reach different kinds of readers, mainly children and young people, and are characterized by the novel being published in a literary context that is separate from the work’s original.

Author Biography

Alexandra Borg, Uppsala universitet

Lektor, Docent





