Sorø Klosters ældste historie i de skriftlige kilder


  • Michael Kræmmer


The earliest history of Sorø Abbey in the sources
By Michael Kræmmer

As a rule little is known about the founding and the early years of Danish monasteries. With the abbey of Sorø we are lucky to have some descriptions – neither many nor lengthy, but still a lot more than is usually the case. We have a description of the foundation at the beginning of Sorø klosters gavebog, a list of the abbots from the foundation to the Reformation, and a description of the medieval sepulchres in the abbey’s church. The written evidence partly proves but mostly just suggests the following outline of the construction history of the abbey of Sorø – a Benedictine monastery was planned in the 1140s or a little earlier. We do not know when it was founded, but around 1150the first stone church was consecrated. The abbey was soon reformed and became Cistercian in 1161, on 13th June. The building of a new brick church began and it was probably consecrated and perhaps also finished early in the 1180s. In the first decennium of the 13th century the work with the so-called »Mølledige« began (described later in this book). On 13th May 1247 there was a great fire, and apparently most of the church and the rest of the abbey were destroyed. However, later evidence suggests that the church was not as damaged as the chroniclers wanted us to believe. The rebuilt church was reconsecrated in 1285 and many burials were moved to certain parts of the church from »the old church«, a phrase which must refer to the stone church from the 12th century. A medieval frieze with a coat of arms (»Skjoldefrisen«) may have been painted in connection with the reconsecration, as is normally believed, but this is uncertain. This is as far as we can go with the material from written sources. However, it must be remembered that the conclusions of this article should be confronted with the results of the archaeologists.


Danmarks Kirker, Kobenhavn 1933-.
Danmarks middelalderlige annaler, Erik Kroman (udg.), København. 1980.
Diplomatarium Danicum 1. rk., 3. bd. samt 2. rk., 1 bd., København 1977 & 1938. (Forkortes DD).
Erik Klipping og hans Sønner, Ellen Jørgensen (ovs.), København 1927.
Hørby, Kaj: Sorø kloster Gavebog, Kongemagt og samfund i middelalderen. Festskrift til Erik Ulsig, Århus 1988, s. 55-63.
Knytlinge saga, Jens Peter Ægidius (ovs.), København 1977.
Kornerup, Jacob: Skjalm Hvides slægts grave og skjoldmærker i Sorø kirke, Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 1877, s. 195-252.
Kræmmer, Michael: Efterslægtstavle for Skjalm Hvide, Danmarks Adels Aarbog 2009-11, 2012, s. 523-648.
Nørlund, Poul: De ældste vidnesbyrd om skyldtaxationen, Historisk Tidsskrift 6, 9.rk., 1929, s. 54-95.
Sorø-krøniken, bd. 2, Svend Ranvig (ovs.), København 1986.
Saxos Danmarkshistorie, Peter Zeeberg (ovs.), København 2000.
Scriptores minores historiæ danicæ, M. C. Gertz (udg.), København 1917-22.
Scriptores rerum danicarum medii ævi, bd. 4, J. Langebek & P.F. Suhm (udg.), København 1776. (Forkortes SRD)





Kræmmer, M. (2012). Sorø Klosters ældste historie i de skriftlige kilder. Hikuin, 38(39), 15. Hentet fra