Palaeogenomics and the Palaeolithic of Southwest Asia: Trends, Issues, and Future Directions


  • David L. G. Miedzianogora University College London




Palaeogenomics is the study of ancient subfossilised remains on a genome-wide level, and it has revolutionised the study and understanding of the deep past. This is also the case in Southwest Asia, where especially the Bronze and Iron Ages have seen substantial research. However, due to the poor preservation of DNA in the region, the Palaeolithic remains largely understudied despite the possibility of novel interpretations of this key period. Here, I review several ways that palaeogenomics has begun changing our understanding of the Palaeolithic of the region in three key areas: the dispersal of modern humans out of Africa, the interactions between Neanderthals and modern humans, and the formation of Southwest Asian population structures. Most of these interpretations are based on data from outside of Southwest Asia, and I argue that a closer integration between palaeogenomics, archaeology, and local stakeholders are necessary to begin solving the issues surrounding the poor preservation of DNA in the region. If this can be done, palaeogenomics holds many possibilities for future Palaeolithic research. 


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How to Cite

L. G. Miedzianogora, D. (2024) “Palaeogenomics and the Palaeolithic of Southwest Asia: Trends, Issues, and Future Directions”, Chronolog, 2(2), pp. 6–30. Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2024).


