Women, Visibility and Playful Acts: Using play to empower, educate and act in public spaces.


  • Liz Stirling School of Art, Architecture and Design, Leeds Beckett University




Play, feminism, collaboration, transformation, carnival, art, activism


Women Visibility and Playful Acts is an annual event organised by the feminist research group F=, focusing on playful approaches to creative practices in public spaces. Play is used as a core strategy to invite the public/participants to express ideas, opinions and self around themes connected to feminism using International Women’s Day as a public platform for these expressions. In creating spaces of non-hierarchical activity, play, as a method of establishing trust, is used to aid communication, to make new things happen and enable transformation, employing strategies of humour and the spectacle to engage a diverse, intergenerational audience. It is primarily through playful means that we extend an invitation to take part. 

This paper visually documents with a textual commentary the process of the project and the ways we use play to empower, educate and act in public spaces.




How to Cite

Stirling, L. (2024). Women, Visibility and Playful Acts: Using play to empower, educate and act in public spaces. Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 3(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7146/tjcp.v3i1.23647



Project and Practice Articles (Not Reviewed)