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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuskriptet er ikke tidligere blevet publiceret, og det er heller ikke sendt til et andet tidsskrift med henblik på at komme i betragtning til at blive publiceret (eller der er angivet en forklaring under kommentarfeltet 'Kommentarer til redaktøren').
  • Manuskriptfilen er i et OpenOffice, Microsoft Word-, RTF- eller WordPerfect-dokumentfilformat.
  • Der er angivet URL-adresser til referencerne, hvor de er tilgængelige.
  • Teksten er skrevet med enkelt linjeafstand, benytter en 12-punktsskrifttype og anvender kursiv i stedet for understregning (med undtagelse af URL-adresser), og alle illustrationer, figurer og tabeller er placeret i teksten på passende steder i stedet for til sidst.
  • Teksten opfylder de stilistiske og bibliografiske krav, der er beskrevet under Retningslinjer for forfattere , som findes under Om tidsskriftet.
  • Hvis du fremsender et dokument til en sektion af tidsskriftet, der har undergået peer review, er instruktionerne under Sikring af en blindbedømmelse blevet fulgt.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines Authors are requested to submit their articles online via the Open Journal System.

Language Papers written in English, German, French, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian will be accepted.

Editorial procedure Res Cogitans uses a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are requested to submit:

1) A blinded manuscript without author names or affiliations in the text or on the title page (Selfidentifying citations and references in the article text should also be avoided)

2) A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations and contact information

3) An abstract of between 150 and 350 words

Authors have to must ensure that the article (or a substantial part of the article) has not been published before. The review process usually takes 2-3 months.

References The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text. All references in the text should be by name and year in parentheses (e.g. Searle 1983, 45). Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. Reference lists should follow the APA format or adhere to the following examples:

Foddy, Bennett & Savulescu, Julian. 2007. “Addiction Is Not an Affliction: Addictive Desires Are Merely   Pleasure-Oriented Desires”. American Journal of Bioethics 7, 1, 29–32.

Foley, Richard. 2012. When is True Belief Knowledge? Princeton: Princeton University Press

Gjelsvik, Olav. 1999. “Addiction, Weakness of Will, and Relapse”. In Elster, Jon & Ole-Jørgen Skog    (eds.). Getting Hooked. Rationality and Addiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 47–64.

Hartney, Elizabeth. 2010. “What are the official criteria for addiction?” Available at [August 3, 2010]

Format and layout Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format (.doc) All formatting should be done by the authors, who are requested to format their manuscripts in a way that matches the articles published in Res Cogitans as closely as possible (viz. single spaced, Garamond or Times 12-point font. Italics, rather than underlining, should be employed and all illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Section headings should be concise and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals.

Corrections and copyediting The copyeditors of Res Cogitans can only check the spelling and formal style of manuscripts very selectively. Authors are requested to scrupulously check this themselves, to correct any errors or shortcomings pointed out by the reviewers or editors, and, if necessary, have the manuscript edited by a native speaker of the relevant language. A manuscript first accepted for publication might eventually be rejected if the editor judges it not to be up to the standards of academic language or style of Res Cogitans

Size of articles There are no absolute limits on the size of articles, and Res Cogitans occasionally publishes articles of a length of more than 12.000 or even 15.000 words. Normally, however, articles are no longer than 10.000 words, and they are likely to be rejected if reviewers consider them unnecessarily lengthy. Res Cogitans welcomes short articles, including critical comments, reviews and condensed presentations of arguments or ideas.

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