Think tank scene in Finland: Nothing spectacular?


  • Lotta Lounasmeri University of Helsinki



This article discusses the think tank scene in Finland and the modest role think tanks seem to play in public debate. In 2005, the first Finnish think tanks associated with political parties were established, and since then, several new ones have popped up. Until now, they have not received substantial media attention. One notable exception is the traditional Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA) that was founded in the 1970s and has secured a position as a credible public discussant. However, in light of the great popularity of think tanks in the other Nordic countries, even the public attention granted to EVA seems modest. The article presents empirical results of a media analysis and discusses possible reasons for the lesser visibility.

Author Biography

Lotta Lounasmeri, University of Helsinki

Post.doc. at Media & Communication Studies, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki.


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How to Cite

Lounasmeri, L. (2016). Think tank scene in Finland: Nothing spectacular?. Politik, 19(1).