Swedish Advocacy Think Tanks as News Sources and Agenda- Setters


  • Sigurd Allern University of Oslo
  • Ester Pollack Stockholm University




The topic of this paper is the media visibility of Swedish advocacy think tanks, as measured by references to these think tanks in leading Swedish print newspapers. Advocacy think tanks are, in contrast with more research-oriented think tanks, characterised by their outspoken ideological and political agenda. In public debates, they often have a partisan role. Four research questions will be answered: How often are these advocacy think tanks referred to in the news? How important are they as commentators and opinion-makers? How are they presented as sources in the news? What is the relative strength of market-liberal and right-wing think tanks versus red/green think tanks, in terms of media representation and agenda-setting?

The selection criteria, type of newspapers, and time period used in this study of Swedish advocacy think tanks have been coordinated with parallel, national think tank studies by media researchers in Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Several changes in the think tank landscape took place after the turn of the millennium, which motivated us to select two full newspaper years, 2006 and 2013, to better cover these developments. To gain a deeper understanding of the think tanks’ backgrounds, their cooperation with other think tanks, and their media strategies, we conducted background interviews with representatives from four advocacy think tanks. We met with Karin Svanborg-Sjövall, CEO of Timbro; Boa Ruthström, CEO of Arena Idé, and Maja Dahl, communication manager of Arena Idé; Mattias Goldmann, CEO of Fores; and Daniel Suhonen, the leader of Katalys.

Author Biographies

Sigurd Allern, University of Oslo

Dr. polit, Professor, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway

Ester Pollack, Stockholm University

Fil. dr, Ass. Professor, Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University


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How to Cite

Allern, S., & Pollack, E. (2016). Swedish Advocacy Think Tanks as News Sources and Agenda- Setters. Politik, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/politik.v19i1.27395