”Danmark er danskernes land”: Højrepopulistisk diskurs i Danmark


  • Silas L. Marker




Right-wing populism, Denmark, Discourse analysis, Dansk Folkeparti, Nye Borgerlige


This paper examines the phenomenon of right-wing populism in Denmark in the year of 2019 by applying qualitative discourse analysis to a sample of central public texts from the right-wing populist parties New Right and The Danish People’s Party. Both parties utilize populist discourse by constructing a popular bloc (“the people”) stabilized by its constitutive outside: The elite and the Muslim immigrants. However, the discourses of the two parties differ from each other insofar as New Right articulates the strongest antagonism between the people and the elite, while The Danish People’s Party downplays this antagonism, most likely because the party has a central power position in Danish politics. 


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How to Cite

Marker, S. L. (2020). ”Danmark er danskernes land”: Højrepopulistisk diskurs i Danmark. Politik, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/politik.v23i1.120315