Et tabt årti? Dansk klimadækning siden COP15
COP15, Mediedækning, Dansk presse, Klimadagsorden, KlimaforandringerAbstract
Danish media coverage of climate change peaked in 2009 when Denmark hosted COP15. Like most other countries Denmark experienced a sharp drop in climate change reporting following the failure of COP15. It is only within recent years that Danish climate change agenda is showing signs of regaining some of its former strength. What can we learn from ten years of climate change reporting in Danish media? How is the climate crisis communicated in the public sphere? How much attention is payed to the climate change agenda and who gets to speak about the climate? The present investigation looks at ten years of Danish climate change reporting across different news media and media platforms, focusing on the development of the media’s climate change agenda and the sources that dominates climate change reporting.
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