Grønlands udenrigspolitik og internationale relationer: Nuværende rammer og mulig udvikling i et selvstændighedsperspektiv


  • Mininnguaq Kleist



Grønland, Udenrigspolitik, Internationale Relationer, Free Association


In the beginning of the article, the legal and political framework for Greenland's international and foreign affairs actions under the current self-government act and the Danish constitution are introduced. Although Denmark, pursuant to the constitution possesses the competences of foreign affairs politics within the Kingdom, it is also made clear that reality is a bit more complicated and Greenland is not without its competences, rights and democratic responsibility to the Greenlandic people within foreign affairs. Based on Greenland's previous colonial status under the UN and international law for colonies, as well as the aforementioned legislation, the possibilities for Greenland's development within foreign affairs are dealt with in an independence perspective. The possibilities under a possible federal model or a Free Association relationship with Denmark are highlighted as worth striving for. The article does not go into depth with individual cases, but focuses on frameworks and relevant subjects, such as security policy, membership of international organizations and practical aspects like capacity considerations.




How to Cite

Kleist, M. (2019). Grønlands udenrigspolitik og internationale relationer: Nuværende rammer og mulig udvikling i et selvstændighedsperspektiv. Politik, 22(1).