Trampolinhuset: Kulturelt rum som politisk modspil
Trampolinhuset, Aktivisme, Critical Spatial Practice, Jane Rendell, Architecture, PoliticsResumé
Trampoline House in Copenhagen North Western neighborhood is a social space for asylum seekers, activists and other interested. The space started as an art project. It was a critique of the conditions in the refugee camps, and the space aimed to be a free space and show an alternative solution to the immigration policy at the time. Trampoline House exists today, and the migration debate is still a present focal point in the political debate in Denmark.
With the concept Critical Spatial Practice architecture professor Jane Rendell (2006) argues, that architecture and spatial art has a potential in addressing critique, free space and potentially change. This paper discusses, with starting point in the Trampoline house and Rendell’s theoretical concepts, how cultural space can be a political counter strategy, and how art can play a role within this concept. Specifically, the paper explores to which extend and how the Trampoline House as space and art project has been a political player and change agent.
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