‘Finding Old Sikyon’, 2015

A preliminary report


  • Rune Frederiksen
  • Konstantinos Kissas
  • Jamieson Donati
  • Giorgos Giannakopoulos
  • Silke Müth
  • Vassilios Papathanasiou
  • Wolfgang Rabbel
  • Harald Stümpel
  • Katharina Rusch
  • Kristina Winther-Jacobsen


Sikyon, urbanism, Archaic and Classical arts and crafts, archaeological survey, geophysical prospection, remote sensing


The project “Ancient Sikyon” is a cooperation between the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corinth, the National Museum of Denmark, the Danish Institute at Athens and the Institute of Geoscience of the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel. Conceived as a five-year project, its main aim is to identify the exact location, the major features and the urbanistic development of the city, prior to its relocation in 303 BC to a plateau nearby. This, however, is intended to serve the greater purpose of answering general questions of Archaic and Classical urbanism and the structure and organization of a famous centre of art and culture in comparison with other such centres like Corinth and Athens. The first year of research has already brought important information about the topography and material culture of Ancient Sikyon, which is presented in this preliminary report.





Frederiksen, R., Kissas, K., Donati, J., Giannakopoulos, G., Müth, S., Papathanasiou, V., Rabbel, W., Stümpel, H., Rusch, K., & Winther-Jacobsen, K. (2017). ‘Finding Old Sikyon’, 2015: A preliminary report. Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens, 8(8), 305. Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/pdia/article/view/115349


