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Som en del af indsendelsesprocessen skal forfattere afkrydse, at deres indsendelse overholder alle følgende elementer, og manuskripter kan returneres til forfattere, der ikke overholder disse retningslinjer.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF  document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Retningslinjer for forfattere

Guidelines for contributors to the: Proceedings (PoDIA) and Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (MoDIA) (revised June 2014)

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically on a CD or as an e-mail attachment. We prefer to receive the text in Microsoft Word. The manuscript should be accompanied by a printout (hard copy) and Xerox copies of all illustrations, with a clear indication in the printout where the illustrations should preferably go.

Ancient and modern Greek, and any other text written in a font deviating from the principal in the submitted work, should be a standard convertible font. It is advisable to contact the editors to obtain confirmation that a given font will work on our side. We recommend the use of a Unicode font, e.g. Palatino Lintotype, and with the keyboard activated to polytonic Greek. For the bibliography works in modern Greek should be done as follows: name of author transcribed (Lambrinoudakis and NOT Λαμβρινουδάκις) and the title of the work in Greek. Titles written under the conventions of katharevoussa may be so written (contain aspirations etc), but the conventions of dimotiki may also be used for older works.

We prefer articles in English. If you wish to publish in another language this may be possible – please contact the editors to discuss this. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to make sure that the submitted text is up to standard also when it comes to language.

Numbers from one to nine should be written in numbers (1-9), and from 10 upwards should be written out unless the context is statistical.
Circa should appear as "c. ", so [... under the floor c. 14 Minoan cups were found...]
Other abbreviations like this: e.g., i.a., i.e. etc. Avoid beginning a footnote with an abbreviation, but when this is not possible, do [15 e.g. Hallager 1985.] and not [15 E.g. Hallager 1985.]
A contracted form of a word ending with the same letter as the fully written form is not followed by a full point, so: Mr, Dr, Jr, St, vols, Mme. One exception is no. for the italian numero.
When the contracted form does not end on the final letter of the fully written form the form takes a full point, so: M., prof., viz., vol.
Internal references like this: [See note 14 above] or [See note 17 below]

Quotes should be kept to a minimum. Prose quotations of three lines or more should always be set off as a separate paragraph. Place shorter quotations in the running text between quotation marks (“ ... “) or as a separate paragraph, whichever is more suited to the content of your text. Greek and Latin: Translations should always be given preferably in notes, and the origin of translations must always be given.

Source references
References to ancient sources should be placed in brackets in the running text. Commonly used authors’ names and titles may be abbreviated (following the convention of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, third edition). Titles of works should be italicised. With the exception of works on epigraphy, books/volumes, chapters, and sections/verses should be given in Arabic, not in Roman numerals throughout, and separated by a full stop. V. or vv. and l. or ll. should be avoided in references, e.g.:
- Plin. HN 36.5.5 not Pliny, HN XXXVI.5.5 or Pliny, HN 36.5.5
- Eur. IT 1245 not Eur., IT v. 1245
- IG II2, 3322.12-14 not IG I, 2.3322.12-14
- SEG XXX, 34 not SEG 30.34
- Genesis 1.26-28 not Genesis 1:26-1:28

Do not Latinise ancient Greek authors or ancient place names, e.g.:
- Herodotos not Herodotus
- Strabon not Strabo

The PoDIA does however follow the most widely used English spelling of place and proper names, e.g. Athens and not Athenai, and Corinth and not Korinthos.

Please use BC, BCE, AD and CE not B.C., B.C.E., A.D. or C.E. Write century not cent. Write early and late Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Roman.

Secondary literature
Please use the name, date with a comma, not a colon: Niemeier 1991, 120 not Niemeier 1991:120. Use a semicolon to separate two references: Niemeier 1991, 120; Niemeier 1994, 23, fig. 3, pl. 7, table 8. References to figures or plates with more items: figs. 1.39; 2.9-10; 3.6, 8. Always write references in full, please do not use neither “p.” and “pp.” nor “f.” and “ff.”

The manuscript should end with a full bibliography of works cited in your text. Everything is collected in the bibliography, also literature to which reference is only made once. Arrange the bibliography by authors and years, using letters to distinguish between works from the same year (1991a, 1991b). Convention for the Bibliography:

Surname should be followed by initials (e.g. Macdonald, C.F.). In case of more authors: First author with surname followed by initials, while the following authors should be initials – surname separated by commas and ended with and “&” (do not use “and”, “und” etc.) Example: Driessen, J., A. Farnoux & J.-P. Olivier,

In English titles use capital letters for important words: for example Late Minoan III Pottery, not Late Minoan III pottery. Articles: after author name and year, titles of articles are provided in inverted commas followed by a comma. After this follows the title of periodical (or anthology) in italics, number and page references without p. or pp. (e.g. ‘Pottery from Karphi’, BSA 55, 1-37).

Monographs: after author and year, titles of monographs should always be given in italics followed by place of printing: e.g. Warren, P. 1969, Minoan stone vases, Cambridge. Titles of anthologies follow the rules of monographs, but should be provided with name of editor or editors followed by (ed.) or (eds.): e.g. Torrence, R. 1979, ‘A technological approach to Cycladic blade industries’, in Papers in Cycladic Prehistory, J.L. Davis & J.F. Cherry (eds.), Los Angeles, 66-84. See example of bibliography (enclosed PDF).

Please follow the guidelines for abbreviations of periodicals and series set forth by the Archaeological Institute of America 2012, see:

Acknowledgements should be placed before the first footnote and referenced by an asterisk at the end of the main heading.

Use ordinary footnotes in the publication. Footnotes must be placed after period or comma, or after ” Example: …sherd.12 or …sherd,12 or …sherd”12 Page references should be given in the economic way: 243-5, not 243-245 and 328-31, not 328-331. See enclosed pdf-file "Page example" In references to works by three or more authors, use name of first author followed by et al. and year of publication, e.g. Andreasen et al. 2009. When the same author is referred to by more than one work in the same note, do as this: [Nielsen 1998; 2001 and 2010]

Captions must be delivered separately for each illustration.

References to illustrations and tables
References to illustrations and tables in your own article must be given in a (…) and with a capital F or T, for example (Fig. 11 and Table 2) while references to all other illustrations and tables must be given with a small “f”, “t” (or “pl”, if it refers to plates); for example “See Hallager 1988, fig. 17.”

If your text requires illustrations, submit Xerox copies of these along with the manuscript, enclosing a list and captions for each illustration. Please remember to include the appropriate credits in the captions. Please provide your illustrations and photographs of finds and structures with a measure rod or with the exact information of the size. Usually our publications do contain illustrations in color, but we tend to restrict color illustrations or color photographs to those who add to the clarity or understanding of a certain problem in comparison to what a B&W illustration would do. Please send the relevant illustrations in color, and the possibilities will be explored.
All illustrations/photographs must be originals. If not, the author must provide the permission of copyright. NB this includes the right to distribute digitally over the internet. For all illustrations that are not made by the author, the relevant sources must be given. In other words: it is the responsibility of the author that proper permission exists for the illustrations used and the author is responsible for having cleared all copyrights (also for digital use) and for indicating any required credits in the caption.
All original illustrations and/or photographs will, of course, be returned as soon as we are finished with them.

Illustrations in digital form
If you deliver illustrations in a digital form (which is preferred) the following rules must be observed: Photographs must be in a resolution of 300 DPI and a size of no less than 17 cm. in width for those to cover two columns and no less than 10 cm. for those to cover one column. Photographs should be scanned and delivered as TIFF-files and saved in PC-format (in Photoshop you have this option regardless of which system you use).
Line drawings (plans, maps, drawings of pottery, small finds, etc.) must be scanned in “1 Bit Line Art” (or “bitmap” or “black and white”) in a resolution of 1200 DPI. All plans and maps should be no less than 17 cm. in width, while pottery should be given in the scale of 1:3, small finds in the scale of 1:1, and coins, seals and seal impressions in the scale of 3:1.
Composite illustrations made in Illustrator must be saved as EPS-files. For the size of such files: the same rules as above. If you deliver Illustrator files, we can take everything up to Adobe CS4.
Color illustrations, if economy allows, must be in CMYK color. For resolution and seizes as with “Photographs”, cf. above.

Page formats
The pages of the publication measure 27.5 x 21.0 cms and will be set in two columns measuring 23.0 x 8.3 cm. See example in enclosed pdf-file in the scale of 1:1.

The author will normally receive only one run of proofs before publication.

Each author will receive one copy of the publication and a pdf-file of his or her own contribution.

Please be aware that submitted articles that do not follow the guidelines indicated above will be refused for further process or returned to the author for correction. Do not hesitate to get in touch with any question relating to the guidelines.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.