Attention, Affect, and Aesthetic Experience


  • Henrik Kaare Nielsen



Attention, Affective Dynamic, Typology of Affects, Aesthetic Form of Perception, Aesthetic Form of Reflection, Reflective Judgement, Aesthetic Experience


The article suggests a conceptualization of the interrelationship between attention, affect, and aesthetic experience. It supplements classical aesthetic theory by integrating knowledge from neurophysiology, developmental psychology, and psychoanalysis. Furthermore, the article proposes a distinction between a variety of types of affect that are discussed with a view to their potential contribution to elaborating the concept of aesthetic experience in the Kantian tradition and to reflecting different qualities of attention.

Author Biography

Henrik Kaare Nielsen

Henrik Kaare Nielsen is professor of cultural theory and cultural analysis in the section for Aesthetics and Culture, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. Originally trained as a Germanist in Aarhus and Freiburg. PhD from the German Department, Aarhus University 1984.


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How to Cite

Nielsen, H. K. (2023). Attention, Affect, and Aesthetic Experience. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 32(65).


