Keeping the War Outside the Frame: Ellipsis as a Means of Redirection Toward Women's Perspectives in Two War Narratives


  • Bernardita M. Cubillos



Ellipsis, Cinema, Attention, Women's Social Roles, Violence, Resistance


This article explores how cinema’s material discontinuity can stimulate the attention of a distracted audience and prompt reflection
on historical violence. By examining Yasujiro Ozu’s Sanma no aji (1962) and Greta Gerwig’s Little Women (2019), it argues that ellipsis is a powerful technique used to construct an argument about the relationship between war and women’s social roles. Specifically, the article analyses how these films use the ellipsis to enhance the resistance of women who act against the official thread of History. Finally, the findings highlight the potential of cinema to challenge dominant narratives and encourage alternative approaches to representing violence and social roles.

Author Biography

Bernardita M. Cubillos

Bernardita M. Cubillos is a PhD candidate in Philosophy with a focus on aesthetics and art theory at Universidad de Chile. She holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Universidad de los Andes, Chile, and a Master’s degree in Film Studies from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. As a scholar, she is interested in exploring the intersection of philosophy and film, focusing on the representation of space in cinema. She is a professor at Universidad de los Andes and Universidad Finis Terrae.


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How to Cite

Cubillos, B. M. (2023). Keeping the War Outside the Frame: Ellipsis as a Means of Redirection Toward Women’s Perspectives in Two War Narratives. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 32(65).


