FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FISCAL RELATIONS. Letter from the acting seeretary of the treasury transmitting in response to S. Res. 160. a report submitted to the secretary of the treasury by a special committee designated to conduct a study on intergovernmental fiscal relations in the United States. United States Government Office. Washington 1943. XXVI + 595 S.
How to Cite
Philip, K. (1946). FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FISCAL RELATIONS. Letter from the acting seeretary of the treasury transmitting in response to S. Res. 160. a report submitted to the secretary of the treasury by a special committee designated to conduct a study on intergovernmental fiscal relations in the United States. United States Government Office. Washington 1943. XXVI + 595 S. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 84. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/nationaloekonomisktidsskrift/article/view/60285