FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FISCAL RELATIONS. Letter from the acting seeretary of the treasury transmitting in response to S. Res. 160. a report submitted to the secretary of the treasury by a special committee designated to conduct a study on intergovernmental fiscal relations in the United States. United States Government Office. Washington 1943. XXVI + 595 S.


  • Kjeld Philip

Author Biography

Kjeld Philip




How to Cite

Philip, K. (1946). FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FISCAL RELATIONS. Letter from the acting seeretary of the treasury transmitting in response to S. Res. 160. a report submitted to the secretary of the treasury by a special committee designated to conduct a study on intergovernmental fiscal relations in the United States. United States Government Office. Washington 1943. XXVI + 595 S. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 84. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/nationaloekonomisktidsskrift/article/view/60285