William Robert Scott: ADAM SMITH AS STUDENT AND PROFESSOR. With Unpublished Including Parts of the »Edinburgh Lectures«, a Draft of The Wealth of Nations, Extracts from the Muniments of the University of Glasgow and Correspondence. Glasgow University Publications XLVI. Glasgow 1937. 445 S.


  • Hans Degen

Author Biography

Hans Degen




How to Cite

Degen, H. (1938). William Robert Scott: ADAM SMITH AS STUDENT AND PROFESSOR. With Unpublished Including Parts of the »Edinburgh Lectures«, a Draft of The Wealth of Nations, Extracts from the Muniments of the University of Glasgow and Correspondence. Glasgow University Publications XLVI. Glasgow 1937. 445 S. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 3. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/nationaloekonomisktidsskrift/article/view/59994