The networked reception of transmedial universes: An experience-centered approach


  • Susana Tosca IT University at Copenhagen
  • Lisbeth Klastrup IT University at Copenhagen



transmedial worlds, networked reception, fandom, social media, user experience,


Building upon ten years of empirical work, this paper reflects on how to study increasingly complex user engagement with transmedial worlds. We examine our own analytical evolution from an initial aesthetic orientation to our current effort to incorporate the user´s own perspective through qualitative and quantitative studies. We argue that mapping user experience requires a sophisticated and holistic analytical approach - particularly, due to the popularity of social media platforms. We conclude the article by developing the concept of "networked reception" to characterize new kinds of transmedial world experience afforded by social media, which allow users to distribute and communicate not only the content of media texts but also their own experience and reception of transmedial world “texts”.


Susana Tosca, IT University at Copenhagen

Associate Professor, Culture and Communication Research Group

Lisbeth Klastrup, IT University at Copenhagen

Associate Professor, Culture and Communication Research Group


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Tosca, S., & Klastrup, L. (2016). The networked reception of transmedial universes: An experience-centered approach. MedieKultur, 32(60), 16 p.