Research method for locative games




Locative games, game studies, space, research method, Pokémon Go


This paper presents a methodology approach for locative games studies using as reference the actor-network theory. The hypothesis supports that actor-network theory could be useful because it focuses on agencies between humans and non-humans; by the same way, it provides useful categories to support the researcher in the description of an emerging phenomenon. Locative gaming is a fruitful experience to use concepts from actor-network theory because it is connected to many humans and non-humans actants. In the attempt to achieve a research method for locative games using actor-network theory, this study provides a description of some game sessions of Pokémon GO played in Copenhagen during the summer of 2017.

Author Biography

Luiz Adolfo Andrade, State University of Bahia

Luiz Adolfo Andrade is a game designer and researcher working on locative gaming. Visiting scholar at the Center for Computer Games Research (3/2017-3/2018) with CAPES Postdoctoral Stage Scholarship, process number 88881.119487/2016-01. Adjunct Professor at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), Brazil. He holds a PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture (Cyberculture) from the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Contact:


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How to Cite

Andrade, L. A. (2018). Research method for locative games. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 34(64), 19 p.