Feed the dogs: The case of humanitarian communication in social media


  • Gry Høngsmark Knudsen University of Southern Denmark
  • Domen Bajde University of Southern Denmark




Humanitarian communication, mediatization, networked media, case study


In this paper we address the interplay between networked media and humanitarian communication through the lens of meditization theory in order to forward a more balanced understanding of networked humanitarianism. We analyze a case of humanitarian communication that travelled Facebook in unpredictable ways and demonstrate the breakdown between sender and receiver positions. The case shows how communicative practices are challenged and how humanitarian organizations are destabilized in a new and unpredictable communication environment. We argue that in order to deepen the critical perspective on networked humanitarian communication, it is important to better understand how the institutional logic of humanitarianism changes when mediatized through networked media. Further, we suggest that a broader consideration of media amalgamation enables a critical discussion of networked media influence humanitarianism.

Author Biographies

Gry Høngsmark Knudsen, University of Southern Denmark

Marketing and Management Assistant Professor

Domen Bajde, University of Southern Denmark

Marketing and Management

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Knudsen, G. H., & Bajde, D. (2016). Feed the dogs: The case of humanitarian communication in social media. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 32(60), 20 p. https://doi.org/10.7146/mediekultur.v32i60.21261