At sanse smagen af tv-medieret mad [To sense the taste of TV-mediated food]


  • Katharina Thordis Raagaard



sanselighed, synæstesi, æstetisk relation, smag, madprogrammer


How is it possible for a food programme to give me a sensory experience of taste, when the two most important senses – the actual smell and taste – are not in play? This is a sensory paradox that this article will examine. The argumentation is apparent in descriptions about the sensory phenomenon synaesthesia, which basically suggests that we can think about the senses as co-dependent. I will argue that food programmes use sensory strategies – that is synaesthetic strategies – in order to mediate a specific and sensory experience of taste. In light of this, I will analyse two Danish produced food programmes, “Spise med Price” (2008-2009) and “Du er hvad du spiser” (2005-2007), in order to establish a profound understanding of the food programmes’ sensory dramaturgical tools.

Author Biography

Katharina Thordis Raagaard

Cand.mag. i Medievidenskab




How to Cite

Raagaard, K. T. (2010). At sanse smagen af tv-medieret mad [To sense the taste of TV-mediated food]. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 26(48), 18 p.