AI som intelligens og kommunikation

Et sociologisk perspektiv


  • Jesper Taekke Center For Internetforskning institut for kommunikation og kultur



Kunstig intelligens, samfundskommunikation, Luhmann, digitalisering, uddannelse


The research question of this article is: 1) how artificial intelligence (AI) can be conceptualized, 2) participate in societal communication, and 3) thereby influence the developmental possibilities of society. Finally, the article will 4) discuss from a normative perspective how AI can be utilized within education. Ad 1, it challenges the conventional view of AI as parallel to human intelligence, instead proposing AI as a computational technology without ontology. Ad 2, drawing on Luhmann's communication theory, the article investigates AI's integration into societal communication as a participant. Ad 3, still from Luhmann, our concept of social structures, their (re)production, and the role of media therein is discussed, and three scenarios for the development of the digitalized society are presented.  Ad 4, the insights of the article are applied to the education system, which is then discussed from a democratic perspective, seeking to clarify how AI can be appropriately utilized.


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How to Cite

Taekke, J. (2024). AI som intelligens og kommunikation: Et sociologisk perspektiv. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 40(76), 160–180.