“My sense of nationality goes totally berserk”

Expressions of glocal consciousness among audiences during the Tour de France Grand Départ in Denmark


  • Mogens Olesen Københavns Universitet




sport events, Transmedia events., Twitter, Glocal consciousness, Discursive tweet modes


When Denmark hosted the Grand Départ of the Tour de France in 2022, the riders were met by huge crowds and a jubilant atmosphere. On Twitter, Danish and international audiences extended this behavior as co-producers of a transmedia sports event of global reach. Using the theoretical framework of a typology depicting four general discursive tweet modes, this study examines the communicative patterns involved as Danish residents shared their experiences and reactions to hosting the Grand Départ. A content analysis of their tweets revealed that the exceptional circumstances of hosting a major sporting event prompted them to focus more on themes surrounding the event than on the actual cycling. A subsequent qualitative analysis of Danish and international tweets focusing on the inter- play of global and local themes surrounding the Danish Grand Départ identifies evaluative, participatory, humorous/ironic, and emotional dimensions as central expressions of glocal consciousness.


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How to Cite

Olesen, M. (2023). “My sense of nationality goes totally berserk” : Expressions of glocal consciousness among audiences during the Tour de France Grand Départ in Denmark . MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 39(75), 008–031. https://doi.org/10.7146/mk.v39i75.139861