Rai, public service media, and sport

Exploring the historical bonds and current challenges between Italian Rai and global sporting events


  • Danilo Callea Independent Scholar




Global sport event, public service media, history of television, mediatization, RAI, sport rights


The article examines the current challenges and opportunities facing the Italian public broadcaster Rai in relation to global sporting events in the digital scenario. Adopting a systemic perspective, the study explores the tensions among the increasing commercialisation/ political disenchantment of major sporting events, and the public remits of Rai to secure them within the current EU regulation on sport rights and in terms of public service media. An historical overview of Rai’s linkage with sports is provided to contextualise the discussion of the online TV service RaiPlay and its current strategy for both on-demand sports content and the live coverage of recent global sporting events, such as Tokyo 2020 and Qatar 2022. The article concludes by emphasising the potential for Rai to enable new forms of engagement, while also urging a careful consideration of the traditional remits and values of public service in the face of evolving media landscapes.


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How to Cite

Callea, D. (2023). Rai, public service media, and sport: Exploring the historical bonds and current challenges between Italian Rai and global sporting events. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 39(75), 094–113. https://doi.org/10.7146/mk.v39i75.137233