Mellem underholdende kedsomhed og bedøvende overstimulering

Affektive rytmer i oplevelsen af hashtag-fænomenet #ProudBoys på Twitter


  • Joachim Aagaard Friis Norwegian University of Science and Technology



#ProudBoys, affect theory, autoethnography, hashtag-phenomena, minor feelings, Twitter


This article explores what role minor and ambivalent feelings play in the experi- ence of hashtag phenomena on social media. The case study is the hashtag-flooding phenomenon that happened on Twitter in the autumn of 2020, where a group of homosexual men and supporters started using the hashtag #ProudBoys to change its connotation to the eponymous far-right group. With an affect-driven autoethnographic analysis, I explore how minor feelings are engendered in the experience of the #ProudBoys-phenomenon and how they are part of the affective public that is created in the activity of producing a new context for the hashtag. I conclude with the proposition that minor feelings had a significant effect on how my attention was kept while engaging in the #ProudBoys-phenomenon on Twitter. Furthermore, I propose that the phenomenon is an example of hashtag activism that is characterized more by everyday collective identity-building than acute urgency around a public matter.


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How to Cite

Friis, J. A. (2022). Mellem underholdende kedsomhed og bedøvende overstimulering: Affektive rytmer i oplevelsen af hashtag-fænomenet #ProudBoys på Twitter. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 38(72), 006–027.