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Embodied technology use:

Unaccompanied refugee youth and the migrant platformed body


  • Annamaria Neag Independent researcher
  • Julian Sefton-Green



unaccompanied refugee youth; social media; migrant platformed body; embodied technology


For unaccompanied refugee youth, technology occupies a central role in their lives.
It helps them when crossing countries, finding a shelter, and accessing education,
or even in negotiating family relations online (e.g., Çelikaksoy & Wadensjö, 2017;
Marlowe & Bruns, 2020; Morrice et al., 2020). Research with young refugees shows
that social media and smart devices have become essential means to resolve many
challenges (Kutscher & Kreß, 2018). The aim of our article is to go beyond a utilitarian
view of digital technologies and social media in the lives of migrant youth and
show how digital actions can be extensions of bodily communications in relation to,
for instance, locating the self within new cities, food, music, and religion. We introduce
the concept of the migrant platformed body as a site of struggle for unity that
brings past and present into continuous discussion in and through the uses of social
media technologies.


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2021-12-22 — Updated on 2022-01-03


How to Cite

Neag, A., & Sefton-Green, J. (2022). Embodied technology use:: Unaccompanied refugee youth and the migrant platformed body. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 37(71), 009–030. (Original work published December 22, 2021)



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