Mål, middel og tid

om livsformsanalysen som metode til at studere tilgangen til nyheder og aktualitetsstof


  • Jakob Dybro Johansen
  • Jakob Linaa Jensen Danish School of Media and Journalism




nyheder, livsformsanalyse, interviewundersøgelser, mediebrug, offentlighed, opinionsledere


This article discusses how to study and categorise perceptions of news: what is regarded as news and which role does news play in the daily life of citizens and in the citizen’s relationship to other people and society in general. Thus, the study focuses on attitudes and meaning rather than habits and behaviour. The study is based on in-depth interviews with 101 citizens across 11 population segments and a subsequent survey among 2000 randomly selected citizens. It is shown that demographic factors like education, social status and family situation only to a limited extent explains the attitude towards news. Rather, differences can be ascribed to a range of personal factors and daily life situations. In an attempt to explain such factors, we turn to concepts of goals, means and time, drawn from the life form analysis of Danish ethnologist Thomas Højrup. We find that the relationship between means and goals and in particular the concept of time (and lack hereof) are decisive factors behind various ways of coping with news. In the final part of the article, we reflect upon the usability of the life form analysis as a supplement to existing approaches to the study of news consumption.


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2021-12-22 — Updated on 2022-01-04


How to Cite

Johansen, J. D., & Jensen, J. L. (2022). Mål, middel og tid: om livsformsanalysen som metode til at studere tilgangen til nyheder og aktualitetsstof. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 37(71), 205–223. https://doi.org/10.7146/mediekultur.v37i71.122833 (Original work published December 22, 2021)



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