Vol. 39 (2001): Meddelelser om Grønland. Geoscience


Hammer C. U. (ed.): The Hans Tausen ice cap: Glaciology and glacial geology, 163 pp.

The Hans Tausen lskappe (ice cap) in the extreme north of Greenland owes its existence to the relatively cool conditions over the past 4000 years. The area is sensitive to global climate changes, and the ice cap will melt away if the climate becomes a few degrees warmer.

From 1993 to 1997 a group of Nordic researchers set out to investigate the history and dynamics of this most northernly ice cap of the hemisphere. Geophysicists, geologists and geographers mapped the ice cap, drilled through it and searched for the history of its past by analyzing the annual ice layers.
Some of the findings have added significantly to our understanding of the consequences of Global Change. The major findings are presented in this volume.

Published: 2001-01-01

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