Vol. 51 (2000): Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience

Sørensen, M. V. & Kristensen, R. M.: Marine Rotifera from Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland. With the description of a new species from the rare mineral ikaite, 46 pp.
While working on the descriptions of rotifers from Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland, the authors of this book discovered a new rotifer, Notholca ikaitophila n. sp. (see fron cover illustration) inside the ikaite columns and from ikaite sand. The presence of movable lateral spines suggests that this new species has a close relationship to the Notholca striata group.
Besides the new species, eight other species, including four planktonic species, were found. Six of these are new to Greenland.
Besides the rotifer descriptions, this book has information on macro- and meiofauna in the Ikka Fjord as well as an ecological note regarding the unique habitat for the meiofauna inside the ikaite columns.