About the Journal

Meddelelser om Grønland, which is Danish for Monographs on Greenland, has published scientific results from all fields of research in Greenland since 1879.
Since 1979 each publication was assigned to one of the three subseries:
Geoscience, Bioscience and Man & Society

Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts which contribute significantly to the study of flora and fauna and of ecological problems pertaining to all Greenland envi­ronments. Papers primarily concerned with other areas in the Arctic or Atlantic region may be accepted, if the work actually covers Greenland or is of direct impor­tance to the continued research in Greenland. Manuscripst dealing with environmental problems and other border­line studies may be referred to any of the series Biosci­ence, Geoscience or Man & Society according to emphasis and editorial policy.

The series was published by The Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland / Danish Polar Center in the period between 1976 and 2008. From 2008 the series has been published by Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Information on the journal, including possibilities for submission of manuscript and editorial team can be obtained at Museum Tusculanum Press (mtp.dk).

Open Access policy. Publications in the series are published in print by Museum Tusculanum Press, and are made available electronically as Open Access publications on this site no later than 6 months after publishing.

Printed back issues are available from Museum Tusculanum Press - https://www.mtp.dk/

Coypyright by the authors and the Commision for Scientific Research in Greenland / Danish Polar Center/Museum Tusculanum Press as indicated in the individual volumes. No parts of the publications may be reproduced in any form without the written permission by the copyright owners.

Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience has been made available on the web via economic support from Geocenter Danmark.

Web accessibility. This material is historical and has not been produced with increased accessibility in mind. The files have been processed with text recognition and can therefore be read aloud, but errors that disrupt meaning cannot be avoided. Figures, tables, and similar elements have not been adapted to enhance accessibility.