Vol. 49 (1998): Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience

Fredskild, B.: The vegetation types of Northeast Greenland. A phytosociological study based mainly on material left by Th. Sørensen from the 1931-35 expeditions, 84 pp.
This book is the result of many years of meticulous study of plant communities found in the middle-arctic environment of Northeast Greenland.
The vegetation types and their ecology is described through 347 analyses carried out by Th. Sørensen in 1931-35, and 136 analyses carried out in recent years by the author.
Soil samples have been analyzed for nine factors for the major part of Sørensen's analyses. The most characteristic vegetations are different dwarfshrub heaths, grass lands, fens, snowbeds, and fell-fields. Based on the composition of higher plants and mosses the vegetations have been grouped in 13 associations, subdivided into 42 lower phytosociological units.