Vol. 201 No 2 (1975): Meddelelser om Grønland


Introduction. s. 5
Scope of the paper. s. 5
Field work. s. 5
Topography. s 6
Regional setting. s. 8
Previous work. s. 9
Lithology in south Renland. s.10
Rusty brown garnetiferous gneisses and quartzites. s. 10
Garnetiferous augen granite. s. 14
Streaky augen granite. s.16
Hypersthene monzonite. s.16
Migmatites in east Renland. s. 20
Grey-pink granites. s.24
Miscellaneous granites. s. 25
Microgranites, aplites and pegmatites. s. 27
Metamorphic geology. s. 29
Structural geology. s. 31
Structure in south-west Renland. s. 31
Deglaciated tract east of Rypefjord. s. 31
The coast of Øfjord west of peak 1882. s. 38
The higher reaches of Catalinadal. s. 42
The higher reaches of Edward Bailey Gletscher. s. 45
The massif in south-east Renland. s. 45
Small-scale shear belts. s. 46
Schistosity in the augen granites. s. 48
Lineation. s. 49
The constrictional deformation. s. 50
Back-folding. s. 53
Patterns of fracture and their regional significance. s. 54
Synthesis. s.  56
Tertiary igneous rocks. s. 62
Acknowledgements. s. 63
Zusammenfassung. s. 63
References. s.65

Publiée: 1975-01-01