Årg. 203 Nr. 3 (1976): Meddelelser om Grønland


Introduction. s. 4
1. Location. s. 5
2. Definition of the Polar Eskimo population. s. 6
3. Methods. s. 8
Collection of data. s. 8
Punch card census. s. 8
4. Some authors' remarks on the Polar Eskimo population. s.12
5. Births. s.17
Number of births. s. 17
Distribution of births by months. s. 18
Twins. s. 21
6. Mortality. s. 23
Death rate. s. 23
Duration of life. s. 26
Infant mortality. s. 26
Child mortality. s. 27
Adult mortalitys. 27
Causes of death. s. 27
7. The difference between the numbers of births and deaths. s. 31
8. Sex ratio. s. 31
Polar Eskimo sex ratio. s. 31
Sex ratio of other Eskimo groups. s. 33
9. The family. s. 33
Reproduction rate. s. 33
Family size. s. 35
Sterility. s. 36
Adoption and family planning. s. 38
10. Migrations and admixture with other ethnic groups. s. 38
11. Population structure. s. 40
The population on December 31, 1969. s. 40
The population on December 31, 1973. s. 45
Comparison of the years 1903, 1924, 1943, 1953, 1963, 1969, 1973. s. 45
12. Development of the Polar Eskimo population, 1893-1973. s. 47
Phase I (1893-1903). s. 47
Phase II (1903-1922). s. 47
Phase III (1922-1934). s. 50
Phase IV (1934-1953). s. 51
Phase V (1953-1969). s.51
Phase VI (1969-1973). s. 52
13. Conclusion. s. 52
Acknowledgements. s. 53
References. s. 54
Appendix: Polar Eskimos Bibliography. s. 57

Publiceret: 01-01-1976