Årg. 204 Nr. 4 (1978): Meddelelser om Grønland


Introduction. s. 5
Climatic conditions at three stations in South East Greenland. s. 6
Situation and geological conditions of investigated localities in South East Greenland. s. 8
Number of lichen species found in the Skjoldungen-, the Angmagssalik- and the Kangerdlugssuaq area. s. 12
The lichen vegetation in the three areas. s. 17
1. Lichens growing on twigs and branches of Juniperus communis L. s.18
2. Lichens growing on dead plant fragments under shrubs of Salix glauca L.  s.18
3. Lichens occurring on soil under willow-shrubs. s.19
4. Lichens occurring among mosses under willow-shrubs. s.20
5. Lichens occurring in plant communities mainly composed of herbaceous phanerogams. s. 22
6. Lichens growing on mainly dry, steppe-like slopes. s. 25
7. Lichens growing on mainly acid soil on slopes rich in grasses and sedges. s. 27
8. Lichens growing in fens and marshes. s.27
9. Lichens growing in snowbeds and on N-facing slopes with a snow cover of long duration. s. 28
10. Lichens occurring on the ground among boulders and stones on talus slopes and landslides. s. 32
11. Lichens occurring in open, gravelly fell-fields. s. 34
12. Lichens growing in dwarf shrub heaths dominated by Empetrum hermaphroditum (LGE.) HAGERUP and Vaccinium uliginosum L. ssp. microphyllum LGE. and in other types of dwarf shrub heath. s. 40
13. Lichens occurring on alkaline soil ·derived from calcareous rocks and dykes. s.51
14. Saxicolous lichens. s. 52
a. Lichens growing on basic rocks and dykes and calcareous rock fragments. s. 52
b. Ornithocoprophilous lichens occurring mainly or exclusively on "bird stones" or projecting rocks with a thin cover of guano on the top or otherwise influenced by guano. s. 52
c. Lichens mainly growing on rocks, boulders and stones composed of granite, gneiss or basalt and without visible influence of bird excrements. s. 56
Distribution maps of lichens in Greenland. s. 64
Acknowledgements. s. 64
Literature. s. 64

Publiceret: 01-01-1978