Årg. 194 Nr. 4 (1972): Meddelelser om Grønland


Introduction. p. 5
A. Klares0, North Greenland. p. 6
A core from the lake Klaresø. p. 6
Description of the core. p. 6
The marine clay. p. 6 
The freshwater sediment. p. 10
Notes on Plates A I-AV. p. 22
B. S0lejren, North Greenland. p. 27
A profile in a bog at Sølejren. p. 27
Comments on the profile ,samples and tables. p. 27
Notes on Plates B I-B III. p. 33
C. Galium Kær, South Greenland. p. 37
The former pond Galium Kær. p. 37
Comments on sediments, samples and tables. p. 37
Notes on Plates C I-CV. p. 48
D. Spongilla Sø, South Greenland. p. 54
A core from the lake Spongilla Sø. p. 54
Comments on the core, samples and tables. p.  54
Notes on Plates D I-D III. p. 59
References. p. 65
Plates. p. 67

Publiceret: 01-01-1972