Fra bagedyst til heteronormativitet: En undersøgelse af forståelser af og diskurser om kønsidentitet i Den Store Bagedyst-debatten på Facebook
This paper examines gender attitudes in Danish society through analysis of comments regarding anepisode of the TV show “Den Store Bagedyst” (translated: ”The great Danish bake-off”), hosted by
the national broadcasting corporation DR. Using online ethnography, I collected a series of
comments from DR’s Facebook site where the debate took place. I find two opposing discourses
about gender identity represented in the data under question through analysis of gender specific
member activities (Schegloff 2007) and negotiations of masculine gender identities. The vein of
discourse most prominent in the data is one in which participants criticize the program for
reproducing an old-fashioned and stereotypical view on gender which the participants regard as
discriminating. This tendency is in line with a queer-theoretic understanding of gender, seeing
masculinity and femininity not as determined by sex, but rather viewed as individual constructions.
This is in contrast to the secondary tendency, in which participants contrast masculinity with
femininity and therefore represent a stereotypic view of genders.
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