Derrida og dekonstruktionens sprog. Læst igennem ’Stemmen og fænomenet’
Derrida, Husserl, Stemmen & Fænomenet, sprogfilosofi, sprogteori, tegnteori, philosophy of langauge, sign theory, theory of langauge, La voix et le phénomèneResumé
In the beginning of the 20th century there is an evident break with the previous philosophical tradition. Phenomenology is a part of this break. The transition from traditional metaphysics to a new way of thinking is a complex movement, in which Jacques Derrida came to play a key role in the late 20th century. This article investigates the two-fold movement in his deconstruction of phenomenology which reveals both the kinship between phenomenology and traditional metaphysics which the phenomenology asserts to abandon, and how a deconstruction of phenomenology is necessary to create a definite break with traditional metaphysics. The most important aspect of the deconstruction is Derrida’s philosophy of language. The article concludes that the relationship between phenomenology and deconstruction is to be found in the constitution of language and its relation to absence.
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