Leksikalske og grammatiske præpositioner i russisk

En anvendelse af modifikationskriteriet i forbindelse med præpositionerne do (’til’) og po (’henad, langs, på’)


  • Anne-Sofie Pade Hansen Københavns Universitet


Præpositioner, Russisk, Grammatisk, Leksikalsk, Modifikationskriterier


This study investigates the lexical and grammatical status for the two Russian prepositions do (‘up to’) and po (‘along, after’). The study is based on the usage-based theory of grammatical status and grammaticalization presented in Boye and Harder (2012) and utilizes the modification criteria proposed in Messerschmidt et al. (2018). In order to do this, the different meanings of the prepositions have been examined by use of the Russian National Corpus. The analysis shows that for do (‘up to’) three meanings had lexical status, while three had grammatical status. For po (‘along, after’) one meaning had lexical status, while 11 meanings had grammatical status. The study concludes that it is possible to distinguish between lexical and grammatical status for the prepositions which implies that the class of prepositions in Russian is heterogeneous in this respect. Furthermore, the classification resembles previous classifications, but while these are based on criteria specific to prepositions, the theory from Boye and Harder (2012) is independent of word class and thus offers a more unified account.


Anne-Sofie Pade Hansen, Københavns Universitet

Navn: Anne-Sofie Pade Hansen
Institution: Københavns Universitet – Institut for Tværgående og Regionale Studier
Uddannelse: Østeuropastudier – Russisk (KA) (samt MSc. i statistik)
Forskningsinteresser: Det russiske sprogs historie, lingvistik generelt


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