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Om trusler og truende sprog i to danske stalkingsager
Trusler, Talehandlinger, Stalking, HøflighedsteoriResumé
The purpose of this article is to clarify the expression and content in selected threats in stalking cases and examine what kind of grammatical and lexical markers that constitute threats and threatening language. This article is a case study with a grammatical and pragmatic linguistic analysis of a data set that consists of written communication from two Danish stalking cases. In the first case the stalker has been convicted in court and in the second case there has been no charges filed.
The analysis is based on Gales’ theory (2015) on stance as indicators of a speaker’s emotion, judgment, intent or feelings towards a recipient or a proposition. We also use theory on what constitutes a threat (Fraser 1998), theory on speech acts and felicity conditions (Searle 1969, 1976) and theory on politeness and politeness strategies (e.g. Brown & Levinson 1987) to aid us determine how the threats and threatening language function.
Our analysis concludes that there is a profound difference in the threats’ expression and content between the two stalking cases.
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