(A)symmetri og gensidighed

Reciprokke konstruktioner i acazulcootomí


  • Laurits Stapput Knudsen Københavns Universitet


Semantisk typologi, Reciprokke konstruktioner, Reciprocitet, Feltarbejde, Sprogbeskrivelse, Asymmetri


This study investigates reciprocal constructions in Acazulco Otomí, a native language of central Mexico. The constructions are investigated using the video stimuli “Reciprocal actions and situation types” (Evans et al. 2004). The study was motivated by two factors: Firstly, certain language internal arguments support the hypothesis that Acazulco Otomí will be quite generous in its categorisation of reciprocity. Secondly, the study will fill a geographic and genealogic gap in Majid et al.’s (2011) study, providing more knowledge about the domain and useful data for future work on reciprocals. The study finds that Acazulco Otomí is indeed quite generous in its categorization and my study therefore supports the hypothesis that  a structuring principle functions across domains in Acazulco Otomí.


Laurits Stapput Knudsen, Københavns Universitet

Forfatteren er cand.mag.stud i lingvistik på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.


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Knudsen, L. S. (2020). (A)symmetri og gensidighed: Reciprokke konstruktioner i acazulcootomí. Journal of Language Works - Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 5(2), 88–108. Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/lwo/article/view/123469