SEIZ Matters

Modelling the spread of concepts on Twitter


  • Jonathan Hvithamar Rystrøm Aarhus Universitet


Contagion, SEIZ, Twitter, Epidemiology


How do different concepts spread on social media? This question is becoming increasingly important as much of our time, discussion, and news consumption move online. This paper investigates the use of two models from epidemiology, namely the classical SI-model and the sociology-inspired SEIZ-model, to model and understand this phenomenon. I study the spread of two concepts during the 2019 Danish national election, klimatosse (climate fool) and Paludan on Twitter, both of which played key roles in the election season and had epidemic qualities in their usage throughout social media.  I find that although both models can provide decent fits of the data, the SEIZ-model outperforms the SI-model by a wide margin. Furthermore, the parameters can be interpreted to provide a deeper understanding of the two phenomena and how they spread.


Jonathan Hvithamar Rystrøm, Aarhus Universitet

Jonathan H. Rystrøm studies cognitive science at Aarhus University. His main areas of interest are behavior on social media, and natural language understanding and processing.


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Rystrøm, J. H. (2020). SEIZ Matters: Modelling the spread of concepts on Twitter. Journal of Language Works - Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 5(1), 78–91. Hentet fra