I begyndelsen af ordet

Konsonantklynger i moderne hebraisk


  • Christophe Zerakitsky Vies Københavns Universitet


Syllabification, Modern Hebrew, Phonotactics, Phonetics


The elision of the vowel shewa (ᵊ) has resulted in the emergence of consonant clusters in Modern Hebrew. Clusters in native words are extremely limited in distribution. The consonants of some surface clusters undisputedly belong to the same underlying syllable while others appear to underlyingly belong to two syllables. The question is thus whether those surface clusters are underlying clusters or mere surface phenomena.
By asking speakers of Hebrew how they would syllabify words with initial consonant clusters, I have found that some Hebrew speakers show a tendency to break up the clusters. This is particularly clear in monosyllabic words, where the majority of my informants break up the cluster.
This suggests that for some Hebrew speakers, consonant clusters are disallowed at a certain level of phonological abstraction. Therefore, I propose that consonant clusters belong to the phonotactics of the prosodic word, not the syllable, and that the first segment in surface clusters be analyzed as extrasyllabic.


Christophe Zerakitsky Vies, Københavns Universitet

Christophe Viés studerer funktionel-kognitiv lingvistik på Københavns Universitet. Han interesserer sig særligt for forholdet med fonologi og grammatiske konstruktioner, stavelsesteori, afroasiatiske sprog (især semitisk og berber) og dynamikken mellem diakroni og synkroni i den fonologiske analyse.


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Vies, I begyndelsen af ordet

Language Works, 5(1), 2020 20

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Vies, C. Z. (2020). I begyndelsen af ordet: Konsonantklynger i moderne hebraisk. Journal of Language Works - Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 5(1), 5–20. Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/lwo/article/view/121215