Taktiske instrukser i elitesport. Et EMCA-perspektiv


  • Lukas Møller Koch Aalborg Universitet
  • Christian Emil Christensen Aalborg Universitet
  • Lucas Paulsen Aalborg Universitet
  • Sebastian Rasmussen Aalborg Universitet


instructions, EMCA, interaction, elitesports, handball


The subject of this study is the structuring of tactical instructions in elite sports, which we approach with an EMCA methodology. The study is based upon collected data, particularly transcribed video-footage of a tactical presentation during an elite-handball match. We will analyse our data using a series of EMCA principles in combination with theory from other contexts, with the aim of analysing the structure of an instruction’s different phases among other interests. This allows for a discussion regarding how the structure of an instruction differs in a comfortable classroom-learning-situation compared an intense elite-handball match, where there is less time to make decisions and create a shared understanding between coaches and players. This study shows how the head coach uses the following phases of an instruction to structure his tactical instructions when delivering these to the players: What they should do, how and who should perform the instruction and why the given instruction was advantageous for the team. Furthermore, this study shows how an EMCA approach can be applied within sports-science by observing and analysing how participants act and interact in certain situations within the sport.


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Koch, L. M., Christensen, C. E., Paulsen, L., & Rasmussen, S. (2019). Taktiske instrukser i elitesport. Et EMCA-perspektiv. Journal of Language Works - Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 4(1), 67–81. Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/lwo/article/view/115713