Når narrativer bruges som accounts

En interaktionel ressource og et redskab til at opnå fælles forståelse


  • Tanja Bonde Pedersen University of Copenhagen


Narratives, Accounts, Conversation analysis, Storytelling, Oral stories


In this article, I investigate how narratives in interaction can be used to account for unexpected or “wrong” behaviour while they simultaneously function as a tool to construct self-image and identity. The complex way in which narratives and accounts intertwine, can be seen in an excerpt from a conversation between two friends who each talk about their experience of the same night. The interaction illustrates co-constructed storytelling which each interlocutor contributes to as a means of accounting for their own behaviour. Following the analysis, I proceed to discuss how a narrative is not only a textual and interactional genre but an intersubjective tool as well as a means of constructing and expressing a concept of self.

Author Biography

Tanja Bonde Pedersen, University of Copenhagen

Tanja er kandidatstuderende i sprogpsykologi på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab ved Københavns Universitet. Til dagligt beskæftiger hun sig med at undersøge det sociale menneske med udgangspunkt i sproget. Hendes interessefelt indbefatter samarbejde, interaktion (med en særlig kærlighed for konversationsanalyse) og relationer.


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How to Cite

Pedersen, T. B. (2022). Når narrativer bruges som accounts: En interaktionel ressource og et redskab til at opnå fælles forståelse . Journal of Language Works - Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 7(1), 70–82. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lwo/article/view/132785