Dolktidsgrav med ravsmykker
Late Neolithic, sen neolitisk, grave, grav, østjylland, eastern jutlandResumé
Late Neolithic grave with amber pendants
In 1966, a stone packing-grave was excavated at Nim in eastern Jutland (fig. 1). As the bottom of the grave was trough-shaped, the corpse must have lain in a bolecoffin, of which nothing remained. On the lowest layer of stones in the west end of the grave were two trapezoidal ear-rings of amber (fig. 4). In the centre of the grave lay a surface-flaked, triangular, flint arrow-head with two barbs (fig. 3). South of this lay the cremated bones of a small child, and a few fragments of animal bones (sheep?), and one potsherd. Higher up in the Stone heap was another flint point (fig. 3). The flint arrow-heads permit the grave to be dated to the Late Neolithic.
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